MDPD - Microbiome Database of Pulmonary Diseases
Discriminant analysis - PRJNA1119982 | Amplicon-16S | Stool
Analysis parameters: Method = "LEfSe (without FDR p-value adjustment)" | P-value = 0.1 | Filter threshold = 0.0001 | Taxa level = "Genus" | Cut-off value = 2
N.B. - 1) To view all the differential markers, please hover on the bars of the plot or download the data using the "Download data" button. located at the top of the page 2) A cutoff of log10 (LDA score) ≥ 2 was used to determine the differential markers. 3) All differential markers in the LDA plot were found to be statistically significant. 4) The statistical significance cutoff used was: p-value < 0.01 (Kruskal-Wallis test). 5) To check the p-values for each differential marker, please download the data using the "Download data" button. 6) The downloaded data shows Kruskal-Wallis p-value. 7) The LDA plot can be downloaded as a SVG image by clicking on the "Export as SVG" button in the menubar located at the top right corner of the plot.
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