Dr. Sudipto Saha
Associate Professor
Ramalingaswami fellow
Division of Bioinformatics
Short linear motifs (LMs) are often present in disordered regions of proteins and are responsible for thousands of protein-protein interactions (PPIs).
Source: Petsalaki & Russell. Peptide-mediated interactions in biological systems: new discoveries and applications. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2008.
We have developed a relational database (LMPID) of linear motifs that mediate protein-protein interactions (PPIs). We haved used these datasets and applied machine learning techniques to predict the linear motifs mediating Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs) with SH3, WW and PDZ domains (LMDIPred web server).
Study the integrated profile derived from plasma and cytokine assay among asthma patients.
Our goal is to discover asthma related biomarkers and identify active networks based on
protein-protein interactions and pathways affected and altered in asthma patients.